Hello Everyone!

My name is Icaros7 (1nt_se7en@naver.com / hominlab@gmail.com)


It's a One Tool Box for LG BSSQ board.


Support Devices


- LGU+ LG Optimus Q2 (LG-LU6500-LU650137)

- SKT LG Optimus Ex (LG-SU880-V20c)

- KT LG Optimus Ex (LG-KU8800-V20c)


It's all your OWN RISK!




Mediafire : http://www.mediafire.com/download/t32ncpcjail4b5u/Icaros_BSSQ_One_Tool_Box_Dev.2.zip

How to USE?


1. Please unzip the file.
2. Run Run.cmd or English.cmd
3. Select the Num. what your need works.


Need to!


- APX Driver & LG USB Driver (Both Internal)
- 5-Pin USB Cable
- Device!


Umm I don't know perfect English.
Therefore, there can be an awkward sentence.
If you find that please send to mail or reply !~

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